Thursday, November 17, 2011

Czech Me Out! (Part 1)

Prague was simply amazing. Maybe this was my favorite. I still can't decide.

Here is our tour guide Ana. I really think she was a legitimate midget. She was adorable.

What would you do if you found a candy bar in the street? Well I found one on the street in Prague and I literally screamed and jumped up and down in excitement! I got even more excited when I found out it was perfectly wrapped. Kinder chocolate is heavenly. And I took my chances and ate it!
This statue reminded me of the ghost of Christmas future in the Muppet's Christmas Carol. I am craving Christmas family traditions! Can't wait!
Since Levi complained about not being included on here....this is for you bud! I love you!
This is the famous clock tower in Prague (don't know it's name. oops).
It was a European version of small world! They gouged the eyes out of the man who built it so he could never make another one again. Seems like a very cruel reward for such hard work.
We waited til the hour to hear it go off! I was a little disappointed (don't get me wrong, it was beautiful) UNTIL a man came out of the highest part with a trumpet and played a little tune. In the best costume I've ever seen in my life he waved at all below him. I did not expect such a wonderful thing to come from this!
As the Ukrainians like to say "It is normal!"
The bridge across the old and new square was incredible.
Hundreds of years ago the queen of Prague confessed her sins to a priest. The king wanted to hear them so he took the priest and tortured him. The priest never spoke so the king threw him off the bridge at this spot. The Czechs believe you can make a wish at this spot if you put your left hand on this little thing and your right foot on this other little thing (great explanation...i know). They say it will come true in exactly one year one month and one day from the time you make the wish. So November 28, 2012 something awesome is coming my way!
These dolls are for sell everywhere.
One of my favorite moments of this trip, and possibly my whole entire life came next. Laria and I were exhausted after the days of touring and my scoliosis was kicking in. We were starving and Laria had been craving spaghetti. We found this cute little restaurant right next to the clock tower. It was outside, but they had heaters! And blankets! We had the most divine meal. It was the perfect atmosphere. The heaters with cool wind blowing. Perfect spot to people watch the streets of Prague. The square was gorgeous. AND we were there to see the clock tower guy play his trumpet twice! It was just one of those moments you have no worries sitting there with your best friend enjoying life. It was wonderful. And the food was delicious. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Oh and did I mention the homemade ice cream with hot raspberries? Oh I've missed raspberries.
The night was ended back in our hotel room with my 21 month letter and fireworks from our window. :)


  1. Love the man purse, and nesting dolls are my favorite!!

  2. november 28, 2012.... a wedding maybe? he. he.

  3. haha I was thinking the same thing as Anna! Either that, or the proposal :)
