Thursday, October 13, 2011

to grow a foot or two

I like to write letters. I like to write letters through Dear Elder. And Dear Elder likes to write letters to me, or just emails with advertisements. This is one I just received....

Oh thanks for the genius idea! Good thing I'm one step ahead and already here! Haha it just made me laugh. And it also made me laugh because they said "to grow a foot or two." But then I was thinking about it just now. And I thought about if I was little Sarah again back in Primary. We sang that line and at that point, all I could comprehend was the literal meaning of growing a foot or two. No one in that little room could go on a mission until we were taller, duh. But let's pretend it was possible for me to understand it from a spiritual perspective at that time. And let's say someone told me at that time that I would have the chance to go to Ukraine to grow a foot or two. Would I be singing "I hope they call me to Ukraine!" I sure hope so.....because Ukraine is helping me grow a foot or two, as cheesy as it may seem.

Time has slowed down here. The first month flew by. This past week has been the longest yet. I'm positive Friday should have been here 3 days ago. I've spent ALL day at my school this week because of a sick teacher I've subbed for in the afternoons. The directors from Provo came for their visit and evaluations. Luckily it went well. Each day has been filled with scissors, pom poms, screaming children, broken crayons, "English Only! No Russian!", kisses on the cheeks, glue on your hands, and kids hiding under tables crying. I always get home at night finding tokens in my pockets and marker on my shirt. It has been busy and slow. The two usually don't go together, but they are now.

But in these slow moments I have a lot of time to think and contemplate. I've been here 6 weeks, maybe that is not a lot. But it seems like forever. I look back and see how many things I've already learned. And how much more there is to learn. I want to soak in every experience. I want it to become a part of me. A part that will never leave. That will strengthen my testimony, help me become who I want to be, and guide me through an uncertain future with faith.

We had conference this last weekend, a week late. It was definitely a highlight of this adventure. We watched it at church with our branch and the missionaries. It was such a wonderful experience. In between we shared lunch at the building next door where the temple missionaries live. Where they had drinking fountains! Yes, real live drinking fountains! With drinkable water! Cold water! That is something I've missed, drinking fountains. The weekend only got better. I got to do baptisms after conference on Saturday. I slept over at Laria's Saturday night. We had crazy little miracles Sunday morning getting to church that perhaps someday I will blog about. Perhaps. And I got a calling on Sunday in my branch. I am second counselor in the Primary Presidency and I'm so excited about it. I got to skype my family. All of this, AND hearing wonderful messages from the prophet and apostles. There is so much to say, but none of it can really be said. It was just wonderful. A weekend full of truth, light, and happiness.

Life is good. It is always good if we look for it. Good is always there. Great is always there. God is always there. We just have to be willing to seek Him, to seek His goodness. We will find it. I am finding it. It is love, joy, and peace. It is real.


  1. Loved your last paragraph. The end.

  2. i love this post. also, i get brochures from ILP in the mail all the time. skype. asap.
